Thursday, March 31, 2011

Grade 10: Research

Research on the following:
1. Define digestion and its two major phases.
2. Why do we need to take a balanced diet?
3. Give an example of a balanced diet for a day.
4. What role do the following enzymes and secretions play where do the actions take place
a. salivary amylase
b. rennin
c. sucrase
d. maltase
e. lipase
f. bile
g. hydrochloric acid
h. pepsin
5. How do the following accessory organs perform their functions and aid digestion.
a. teeth
b. liver
c. pancreas
d. gallbladder
e. sphincter
f. tongue
6. Explain heartburn and its cause and effect.
7. In what what way is a calorie related to a change in weight?
8. Propose a daily diet for a weightlifter.
9. What vitamin deficiency will a pure vegetarian most likely suffer from?
10. Compare the human digestive system with an/a earthworm, chicken, paramecium, grasshopper and a frog.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Grade 9: REVIEW

1. Characteristics of LIFE
2. The scientific method
3. Cells, Tissue, Organ, Organs system
a. cell function
b. cell parts and functions
c. protoplasm
d. organelles and its function
d. specialized cells
4. Diffusion
5. Osmosis
6. Photosynthesis
7. Nutrients
8. Respiration
a. Aerobic
b. Anaerobic
9. Human skin: parts and function
10. Skeletal System
a. Function
b. Structure
c. Joints
d. Bone growth
11. Muscular System
a. Kinds of Muscles
b. How muscles work
12. Digestive System
a. Digestive Process and its organs
b. Alimentary Canal
c. Digestion in the stomach and small intestine
13. Transport system
a. Parts and Function of the circulatory system
b. Human blood and its parts
c. Blood clotting
d. Blood vessels
e. Human heart
14. Respiratory and Excretory System
a. Breathing
b. How lungs work
c. The kidneys
d. Urinary system
15. Nervous System
a. Parts of a Neuron
b. Central Nervous System
c. Peripheral Nervous System
d. Sense Organs
16. Endocrine System
17. Genetics
18. Animal Kingdom
a. Classification
b. Virus and Bacteria
c. Protozoan
d. Algae
e. Fungi
f. Plant Kingdom
g. Stems, Roots, Leaves
19. Ecology
a. biotic and abiotic factors
b. Ecosystem

Monday, March 14, 2011


Research on the following:
1. Give the functions of the nervous system.
2. What is a NEURON?
3. What is a STIMULI?
4. Identify and give the functions of the following:
a. cranial nerves
b. sensory nerve fibers
c. motor nerve fibers
d. dendrites
e. cerebellum
f. myelin sheath
g. spinal cord
h. cerebral cortex
i. medulla oblongata
j. pons
k. pupil
l. axon
m. synapse
n. olfactory nerve
o. optic nerve
p. retina
5. Can a person with normally functioning eyes still be blind? Why or why not?
6. Compare the sense of sight with that of other animals like the cat and the owl. Explain the differences.
7. What are the sense organs?
8. Research about the spinal chord.
9. Research about Luigi Galvani and his contribution to science.
10. How does caffeine affect your nervous system.
11. Research about the parts of the eye and its function.
12. Research about the parts of the ear and its function.
13. Show a diagram of the eye structure and ear structure.
14. How does the sense of smell help an organism to survive.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


1. Research on the life and works of Charles Darwin.
2. Define Evolution and give its significance.
3. What is a fossil? Why is it important to evolutionists?
4. Describe how Darwin's voyage aboard the beagle influenced his thoughts about life on earth.
5. Choose one animal and trace the its evolution. Present the changes in the body and living habits.
6. Research on the factors responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs.
7. Who is Lucy in the evolution?
8. Research on the life and works of Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck.
9. How did Lamarck and Darwin differ in their evolution concepts.
10. What is a lethal gene?
11. How does gene mutation cause variations in organisms.
12. Research about the Galapagos Islands and it s importance.
13. Research about a plant or animal that have undergone variations.
14. Research about the background on Human evolution briefly.
15. What is speciation?